Thursday, April 7, 2011

Belladonna - Till Death Do Us Part

Ok people today’s international entry comes from Italy and comes with a question, how often do you listen to an act who have created a whole new genre? Not quite often, right? Well today is your lucky day as today’s band, Belladonna in the process of their evolution somewhere between their first and second album ended up creating a whole new music genre called Rock Noir which is described as
A sub-genre of rock characterized by dramatic performances of theatrically rendered lyrical storytelling.”
The song I’m recommending comes from their second album The Noir Album and it’s called Till Death Do Us Part, the song is definitely theatrical in its composition, the vocals are so powerful I think the vocalist can rock a theatre without any microphones, the haunting backing vocals give this song almost an operatic feeling, but for me the best thing about this song is the riff, I feel off late we don’t get too many original riffs like back in the GNR days and this one I feel can easily qualify for the top ten in the last five year if not the decade, anyhow you decide, here’s the song

If you like this song you can get it from the following link
Till Death Do Us Part - The Noir Album

If you like to know more about them or the genre, here are the links to their Wikipedia pages
Here they are live, performing this song

Here’s another live performance

Still wanna know more about them, here’s the link to their official website

hotel Cumberland

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