Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bat for Lashes - Sleep Alone

Ok guys to further the mood set by Great Northern, today’s song comes from Natasha Khan better known by her stage name Bat for Lashes, born to a Pakistani father and an English mother, she grew up in London and a troubled childhood facing racism which made her to rebel, go away on a road trip with her boyfriend to US and Mexico before returning back to get a degree in music and visual arts. The song I’m recommending is Sleep Alone form her second album Two Suns, the mysterious haunting vocals, icy synths, thumping base and witchy backing vocals make this song as dreamy, dark and desolate as they come, if you can, turn the lights down, put on some good headphones, turn the volume up and go on a dreamy once in a life ride….

Here’s the song without the distraction of the video

If you like this song you can get it from the link below
Sleep Alone - Two Suns
If you like to know more about her here’s the link to her Wikipedia page

Now that I have your attention here’s the official video of the song

Here she is live @ the Abbey Road Studios

Here’s another live version of the same song @ some concert


Thirty Thirty hotel New York

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