Monday, March 28, 2011

Detroit Social Club - Prophecy

Ok guys, to kick off the week I have a special treat for you, this band though named Detroit Social Club hails from Newcastle, England, they are slated to achieve big things by many in the British music scene, I listened to their entire album and I found shades of almost all the great bands of the 70s, self described as
Analogue experimentation of the modern kind. Retro-Big beat-Gospel influenced-junkie folk, made in 1970s New York”
The brains behind the band is essentially the singer / songwriter / guitarist David Burn, the thing I like most about their music is it seems to have taken something good from all the past three decades with special emphasis on the 70s, mashed it up and created this new groovy sound. The song I’m recommending is Prophecy from their debut album Existence, I found it on Pandora and immediately fell in love with it, for me this song has so many things going for it, the chanting, clapping, drum beat intro, hymn like backing vocals in the chorus, gruff lead vocals, the riff, this song has everything. If you like this song I would strongly recommend to listen to the entire album. I didn’t quite get the concept behind the video of the song you let me know if you can make something out of it, here you go
If you like this song you can get it from the link below
Prophecy - Existence

If you like to know more about them here‘s the link to their Wikipedia page
Here’s a live performance of the same song

Still wanna know more about them, here’s the link to their official website

Royal National

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