Monday, March 21, 2011

Plumb - Cut

Let’s start the week with some deep thought provoking music, today’s song comes from Indianapolis, IN by this genre jumping songstress Tiffany Lee Arbuckle better known by her stage name Plumb, the song I’m recommending is Cut, I came across this song playing youtube roulette, anyhow the song is about self injury, in an interview she explained on how the song came about in her own words,

“It's more or less that a fan on the message board said she was a cutter and she was asking if there was anyone else out there that was a cutter and she had a huge response from some people. Self-cutting is unfortunately a growing form of abuse. She said in her message that her family doesn't understand, her friends don't understand and even sometimes she doesn't understand, but just sometimes she feels so numb inside, just to feel alive she wants to cut the skin. That was just so powerful and poetic to me that it was the inspiration behind Cut, and I certainly didn't write it because I understand it completely and I know how to fix that problem. It was more or less to create conversation so that when someone hears it, if nothing else they feel less alone knowing that there's someone else out there like them going through a similar thing and to give them a tool to start talking about it. Because that's one of the first steps of healing, is to be able to communicate and write it out and talk it out and have a conversation about it. So if nothing else, that would be a goal of the song. It's already doing that and I'm really excited about it”.

The vocals are deep and strong and convey the pain the lyrics are all about. Let me know what are your thoughts on this topic, here’s the song

If you like this song you can get it from the following link
Cut - Chaotic Resolve
If you like to know more about her, here’s a link to her Wikipedia page
Here’s a link to her official website

Royal National London

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