Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Kill Hannah - I Wanna Be A Kennedy

Today’s song comes from Kill Hannah hailing from our very own Chicago, they have been around for a while now, started back in 1993, the band’s name came about when the singer / songwriter Mat Devine broke up with his then girlfriend. They have released six studio albums and the song I’m recommending is from their fourth album For Never & Ever and it’s called I Wanna Be A Kennedy, there’s nothing special about the composition it’s an out and out pretty generic Pop Rock song loaded with guitar hooks, but you have to give them 10 out of 10 for the tongue and cheek lyrics and you have to agree that the song is catchy as hell, here’s the song

If you like this song you can get it from t he link below
Kennedy - For Never & Ever

If you like to know more about them here’s the link to their Wikipedia page
Here’s a live performance of the song

Still wanna know more about them here’s the link to their official website

hotel Cumberland

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